About: robert
Robert Pringle is founder and chairman of Central Banking Publications, a financial publisher specialising in public policy and financial markets. Central Banking journal, which he has edited for 20 years, has subscribers in 120 countries including the great majority of the world’s central banks.
Recent Posts by robert
No to Vollgeld, Yes to Ikon!
There was a basic flaw in the Vollgeld “sovereign money” proposal rejected by the Swiss in a referendum last Sunday. An arrangement that gives the state or its agencies exclusive power to create money, oversee bank accounts and direct lending to the economy is hostile to capitalism. It cannot produce the assurance needed to allow the…
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Written on June 15, 2018 at 2:56 pm
Categories: "Gold", Homepage, Official Money, The Ikon
Tags: gold, Ikon, monetary standard
The capture of money
Money is a near-universal social institution. It evolved to support human cooperation and to control and coordinate the life of humankind. Like other core institutions, such as marriage and language, the forms that money takes may differ widely. The values and norms governing money’s use, and the practices associated with it, also vary widely. For…
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Written on March 10, 2018 at 4:16 pm
Categories: Banking, Homepage, News and Comment, Official Money, RP's Diary
Tags: Bank of England, banking, central banks, ECB, financial crisis, Paul Volcker
10-year retrospective: Lessons 7, 8, 9
7. Neglect of international causes This is the most fatal flaw, as it is the one least understood by economists, governments or bankers. My interpretation of the crisis emphasises its international dimensions – not only in the rapid spread of the crisis but also in its root causes (see Lesson 3). Yet this perspective is…
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Written on October 18, 2017 at 7:09 pm
Categories: Banking, Homepage, News and Comment, Official Money, RP's Diary
10-Year retrospective: Lesson 6
6. Expect more bad bankers and bad banks How has the state punished the financial industry for its crimes, corruption and anti-social behaviour? By showering it with subsidies, privileges, perks and by offering it protection from an angry public. And by reducing its profitability and capacity to change by piling new regulatory layers and requirements….
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Written on October 18, 2017 at 6:36 pm
Categories: Banking, Homepage, News and Comment, Official Money, RP's Diary
Tags: corruption finance
10-Year retrospective: Lesson 5
5. Banking can only be reformed from within This is another unavoidable lesson. Banking has not been reformed by actions taken by the state, central banks or regulators since the crisis. Indeed they have set back the prospects for improvement. There were two main strands in the policy response to the crisis. One was monetary…
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Written on October 18, 2017 at 4:56 pm
Categories: Homepage, News and Comment, Official Money, RP's Diary
Tags: bank reform, central banks, financial crisis, regulators
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